Whether it’s a hobby, your passion, or the entire purpose of your trip, share with us your specific interests and how much time you’d like to devote to them on your travels to help us design the best journey for you with the time you have available.
Archaeology Adventures

Archaeology Adventures

Almost everyone has heard of the majestic classic Maya site Tikal, very popular with all its grandeur, but not far away are the lesser known, less visited yet still important sites of Yaxhá & the still thriving community of Uaxactun. If you have the time and the inclination, you may also want to broaden your experience with a visit to the small and easily accessible post classic site of Iximché, or the El Mirador basin – by contrast only reachable via a two day hike, or 40-minutes helicopter flight! El Mirador basin contains La Danta pyramid, considered by many archaeologists to be the largest ancient structure in the world – not due to its height, but merely due to its sheer volume.

Culinary Experiences

Culinary Experiences

Whether it’s coffee, chocolate or a delicious mix of aromatic spices that gets your taste buds going, Guatemala has a wide variety of culinary experiences to enjoy. Sample local dishes in different regions across the country – from hearty stews to fresh seafood; visit a working coffee plantation to learn more about everything that goes into your daily morning brew; take a tour of a famous Guatemalan rum factory; learn about the manufacturing process of different styles of craft beer; or try your hand at a cooking or chocolatier class!

Bird Watching Breaks

Bird Watching Breaks

Who wouldn’t be delighted to see the colourful scarlett macaw or the aquatic pied-billed grebe? But if you are more of a bird watcher you may be pleased to go out of your way in order to see the pink headed warbler, the bushy crested jay or the rufous collared robin. But if you are a diehard birder, your list should include the resplendent quetzal and the horned guan.

Textile Trip

Textile Trip

There is a world of textiles to explore both the Spanish introduced foot loom or the historic Maya back strap loom weaving techniques including double-faced brocading and other artwork like embroidery or the rainbow of colours and designs on the traditional Maya clothing.